An initiative of the Give Where You Live Foundation, Feed Geelong exists to address food insecurity within the G21 region.

We do this in three key ways:

1. Community: Assisting with creating greater choice, diversity, and access to food relief across the G21 region.

We do this by strengthening the Community Choice voucher program, sharing information on where people can go to access food relief and funding organisations which assist in ensuring food relief across the region is more distributive.

2. Supporters: Increasing engagement across the wider community to better understand the issues and raise funds to support the work of Feed Geelong.

We do this by raising awareness of key issues impacting our community and raising funds.

3. Food Relief Agencies: Investing in and supporting local food relief agencies, programs, and initiatives.

We do this by providing grant funding to local food relief agencies, undertaking research to better understand the issues impacting the community and bringing people and agencies together to develop effective solutions.